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Nursery School

School Closure Lockdown Letter for Parents

4th January 2021




Dear parents/carers,


Following the Government announcement this evening, all schools will be closed from tomorrow with the exception of children of critical workers and children deemed to be vulnerable.


After careful consideration with the Chair of Governors and other RELP schools across Exeter, I have made the decision to close the school tomorrow for one day to all children, in order to allow preparation time for the planned lockdown ahead.  This includes the closure of the Bee Happy Club and Owlets nursery.


I do not take this decision lightly and I am aware that this will cause some disruption to families, but I ask for your support at this difficult time to ensure that the school team is well prepared to provide the best provision for all families with effect from Wednesday 6th January.


A letter will be sent out first thing tomorrow morning detailing the criteria for critical worker and vulnerable child places.  Places will be allocated throughout the course of the day and will be informed by 5pm.


All children who will be learning from home will receive a full programme for remote learning.  This will take commence on Wednesday 6th January.  More details to follow.


Thank you for your continued support during these uncertain times.  Our Trinity family and community are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.


Yours sincerely





Owen Wilder


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