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VA Primary &

Nursery School


Music Curriculum



  • We want our children to see themselves as music makers & joy givers.
  • We want to encourage our children’s understanding and knowledge of music through playing, listening, singing, composing and performing.
  • We want to inspire and nurture a creative and imaginative approach to music making where children will receive the benefits on their overall learning and wellbeing.


  • We provide opportunities for all children to play, sing, create, perform, explore, express and enjoy music making. We deliver Whole Class Ensemble Tuition sessions throughout the year developing musical confidence, skills and subject knowledge.
  • We aspire to be a singing school and sing every day with the children within classroom learning, transition songs, assemblies and collective worship, and our KS1 choir and performances.
  • We inspire children with high quality music teaching & visiting artists, exposure to a wide variety of musical forms, genres and instrumentation.
  • We encourage listening to a wide variety of music to inform children’s musical creating, composing, appraising and understanding and appreciation of different genres and styles.
  • We provide opportunities for performing including sharing and singing assemblies, Harvest, Christmas, Easter, Summer performances plus World Sing Up Day, and also built in at the end of half termly units. We also connect with our community, spreading musical joy to local care homes, and perform alongside local choirs, schools at various events.
  • We encourage music technology as the school grows to help children create, manipulate and record sounds and create their own compositions.
  • We offer wider opportunities for musical learning including lunch time and after school music clubs and private instrumental tuition.




  • Children grow in confidence, abilities and passion for the subject.
  • Children benefit from wellbeing and self-regulation skills from the use of music.
  • Children can sing, chant, rhyme and recognize pulse, beat, rhythm.
  • Children can talk confidently about the elements of music including tempo, timbre, texture, structure, duration, pitch and dynamics.
  • Assessments on tapestry and teacher assessments show achievement, progression and aspiration.
  • Children enjoy music and spread musical joy throughout the school.
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